Canvas Resources
Our Recommendations:
Make Canvas the central hub for all online course resources and materials
Use Canvas as the:
- Repository for all course documents.
- Access point for media portals.
- Connection point for LTI applications such as Gradescope, Zoom, Perusall, and so on.
- Hub for links to external tools or content.
Use modules to organize course content
A modular organization provide several benefits, particularly for students. In addition to simplifying course creation, the clearly-titled modules makes it clear to students how to get started and where to find various course components. Students can easily identify necessary materials and due dates. Consistent, readable naming conventions for each module benefit instructors and students. Course navigation is streamlined.

Image Lightbox
Support student productivity and reduce obstacles for learning; invest time in organizing the course content

Image Lightbox
Well organized courses:
- Make clear how to get started and where to find various course components.
- Make it easy for students to identify necessary materials, due dates, and assessment criteria.
- State the course grading policy clearly and make it easy to find.
- Use current instructional materials.
- Use consistent, readable naming conventions for all materials.
- Streamline course navigation and show only relevant tools.
Ensure that all content is accessible and compliant
- Ensure that the course provides alternative means of access to course materials in formats that meet the needs of diverse learners. (SensusAccess provides this automatically in Canvas for most items.)
- Format content with accessibility in mind:
- Use headers (to benefit organization and screen readers).
- Use font color and size consistently.
- Images have alt text that assistive technologies can read.
- Underlining for hyperlinks only.
- Use the Canvas Accessibility Checker to review your course pages.
- Do not include FERPA-protected information in your course materials. Course materials you share with your students should not contain the names, images, discussion posts, questions, etc. from students NOT enrolled in the course. (This means you CANNOT post recorded class sessions from previous years if student images and names are included.)
Communicate student scores and grades often
- When you link externally-graded assignments (like those in Gradescope) to your Canvas course, scores can be imported and displayed to students in the Canvas gradebook.
- You can create assignment groups to automatically calculate weighted scores or drop lowest scores within a groups of assignments. An overall course grade can be automatically calculated and displayed to students.
Provide a clear description of support and resources for all required technologies
- Clearly state minimum technology requirements and instructions for use.
- Provide contact information for technology support.
Organize the course content so that it facilitates the intended pedagogical approach and learning activities
Course content should:
- Clearly explain both the purpose of instructional materials and how the materials are to be used for learning activities.
- Follow principles of Universal Design for Learning to meet the needs of all learners.
- Clearly state learning objectives.